Our day begins on a 30bbl system. All of our beer and hard seltzer is made on this system, 930 gallons at a time. If all of this beer was packaged into 16oz cans, we’d have approximately 300 cases per batch. We brew each batch twice to fill our 60bbl fermenters.
Our fermentation tanks are 60bbl in size. It takes two brews on our system to fill these tanks with beer. It is during this stage of the process that the yeast is added, turning the sugary wort into what we know as beer. During this stage we will also frequently hop our IPA’s and also add any botanicals or other fermentables.
We also always have some small-batch research & development projects going on that we make in our in-house 1bbl pilot system.
After fermentation is complete and all of the remaining yeast and sediment are “dropped out” via our Brite Tank (the last step before packaging). From this point, we will package the beer into half kegs (15.5 gallons), sixtel kegs (5.16 gallons) and cans (both 12oz and 16oz options). We have our own canning line and everything from grain to glass is done in house by our staff.